What is Biocentrism Debunked: The Facts Behind The Theory What is Biocentrism Debunked: The Facts Behind The Theory

What is Biocentrism Debunked: The Facts Behind The Theory

Biocentrism, a philosophical thought and aspect of individuals, that places living organisms at the center of the universe, has gained popularity in recent years. The supporters of biocentrism argue that all living beings possess associated values and should be treated with equal respect and consideration. While this perspective may seem appealing on the surface, it is important to critically examine the claims and criticisms surrounding biocentrism.

Understanding Biocentrism

Biocentrism’s perspective revolves around that all living organisms, from humans to animals and plants, possess equal worth and should be accorded moral consideration. This perspective challenges the traditional anthropocentric view, which places humans at the top of the moral hierarchy. The supporters of biocentrism argue that by recognizing the intrinsic value of all living beings, we can enhance a more harmonious and sustainable relationship with the natural world.

Examining the Claims

One of the key claims of biocentrism is that the universe’s foundation is based on awareness. Supporters argue that awareness is not limited to humans but is a universal phenomenon that permeates all living organisms. They suggest that awareness is not solely a product of the brain but rather a fundamental aspect of reality itself.

While this idea may be intriguing, it lacks empirical evidence to support its claims. The scientific community has yet to discover a comprehensive theory that explains the nature and origin of awareness. Without concrete evidence, the claim that awareness is fundamental to the universe remains speculative and unproven.

Another claim made by biocentrism is that death does not exist in a conventional sense. Supporters argue that consciousness/ awareness surpasses the physical body and continues to exist beyond death. They propose that consciousness is eternal and that our perception of death is simply an illusion.

However, this claim connects with the overwhelming evidence from neuroscience and biology, which demonstrate the irreversible giving up of brain activity upon death. While the concept of an afterlife may provide comfort to some, it is not supported by scientific understanding and remains a matter of faith rather than empirical evidence.

Addressing the Criticisms

Biocentrism has faced several criticisms from both the scientific and philosophical communities. The fact that it portrays nature by giving non-human entities human characteristics and consciousness is one of the key objections. Supporters argue not only in real life but also on digital platforms like Facebook. Their controversy is based on viewpoint, some supporter viewpoint ignores the essential distinctions between humans and other organisms and oversimplifies the complexity of the natural world.

Moreover, biocentrism has been accused of promoting a form of moral relativism, where all living beings are considered equal without regard for their characteristics or abilities. Supporters argue that this approach fails to recognize the inherent differences between species and disregards the ethical considerations that arise from these distinctions.

The Importance of Balance

While biocentrism may have its flaws and limitations, it is essential to acknowledge the importance of striking a balance between anthropocentrism and ecocentrism. Anthropocentrism, the belief that humans are the central focus of moral consideration, has led to the exploitation and degradation of the natural world. On the other hand, ecocentrism, which places the environment at the center, may disregard the unique needs and interests of human beings.

By recognizing the associated values of all living beings while also considering the complexities of different species and ecosystems, we can create a more complex and comprehensive philosophical system. This approach allows us to appreciate the interconnectedness of life while also addressing the specific challenges and responsibilities that arise from our position as human beings.


With its focus on the fundamental value of all living things, biocentrism offers a unique viewpoint on how we relate to the natural world. However, scientific and philosophical societies have properly criticized biocentrism for its assertions, which are devoid of factual support. The ethical effects of our actions on the environment and other living things must be carefully considered, but we also need to acknowledge the need for a balanced approach that takes into consideration the complexity of both human and non-human existence. 


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